Seawater Desalination

Seawater is highly corrosive to water treatment equipment due to its high salt content and high hardness, and the seasonal changes in water temperature result in high engineering investment and energy consumption for reverse osmosis desalination systems. Through advanced process design and reasonable component configuration, CWT reduces project investment and energy consumption, reduces water production costs, and ensures efficient and stable operation of the system to provide you with the most ideal seawater desalination solution.


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Seawater is highly corrosive to water treatment equipment due to its high salt content and high hardness, and the seasonal changes in water temperature result in high engineering investment and energy consumption for reverse osmosis desalination systems. Through advanced process design and reasonable component configuration, CWT reduces project investment and energy consumption, reduces water production costs, and ensures efficient and stable operation of the system to provide you with the most ideal seawater desalination solution.

CWT 反渗透法海水淡化技术特点:


  • 投资少:投资额为其他工艺的1/2-2/3
  • 占地省:约为其他工艺的1/2-2/3
  • 能耗低:比其他工艺低20%以上
  • 对海水适应性强,设备机动性强



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